Browse Our End-of-Life Planning & Education Tools and Programs


Willow EOL Educator® Program


Are you passionate about end-of-life education and coaching and looking for heart-centered tools to use in your existing or emerging practice? As a Willow EOL Educator® you can use Willow’s expanding end-of-life education and planning tools and products, including detailed scripts for at least 10 virtual workshops, and advance-care-planning and coaching tools.  You’ll also receive marketing support, and professional and business development to build or augment your heart-centered practice.

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The 7 Tools for Making Sense of Life & Death Online Program


This self-guided program will help you base your planning on your values and priorities and lay the groundwork for you to be as prepared as possible for the inevitable. Focused around the digital, fillable workbook, the program, pulls together our most effective self-reflection exercises from the workshops and coaching we’ve done for the past few years.

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9 Things to Include in Your Departure Directions

Consider that every act of how you are cared for after you die is an opportunity for meaningful rituals that can build, nourish, and heal individuals and ommunities.

Departure Directions® is Willow's term for your written guidelines—
determined by your values, beliefs and priorities—for how you wish to be cared for and remembered after you die (often referred to as funeral planning)

The nine headings in this document will ensure that you consider all aspects of your after-death care, including sharing the news of your death, roles for your loved ones to make it meaningful for them,  expenses, logistics and more.


5-Minute Legacy Love Letter

A Legacy Love Letter®is  your opportunity to communicate a lasting message to a specific person or group of people in your life.

The six meaningful prompts will help you focus on the heart of your message and will shift something in your relationship now, even if the letter never leaves your drawer.


A Brief on Grief and Mourning

Willow’s A Brief on Grief and Mourning free resource is a summary of wisdom that Reena and Michelle learned over the years from thought leaders in this field.

The free tool will give you insight into the necessity and normality of grief and mourning.


How to Write Your Heart Will

This free guide helps you reflect on your life and create lasting messages for those you love. Writing your Heart Will® is also a powerful-discovery process to support you to live and love fully. now.


Reality of Our Mortality Planning Checklist

Willow’s Reality of Our Mortality Planning® Checklist will help you explore pragmatic end-of-life planning as a heart-centred and holistic practice. The topics on the list move beyond the purely pragmatic to include self-reflection, relationships and the interconnected nature of life and death.


End of Life Care Core Skills Education and Training Framework

This self-guided program will help you base your planning on your values and priorities and lay the groundwork for you to be as prepared as possible for the inevitable. Focused around the digital, fillable workbook, the program, pulls together our most effective self-reflection exercises from the workshops and coaching we’ve done for the past few years.

$77.00 USD

Bundle: 7 Tools (digital workbook) & 5 Steps for Successful End-of-Life Planning Conversations

This offer includes two of our most popular products: 7 Tools for Making Sense of Life & Death (digital workbook) & 5 Steps for Successful End-of-Life Planning Conversations.  

$25.00 USD

From Our Trusted Peers

My Personal Comfort Plan

My Personal Comfort Plan, by Chelsea Peddle of CircleSpace, was created to enhance your comfort and reduce your pain and suffering, helping you feel a greater sense of control over your illness and dying process.

$17.00 USD

The Death Deck

Players of THE DEATH DECK partner up to guess answers to deep, funny and sometimes weird questions on the topic of Death.

$29.95 USD