Why Join the Willow EOL Educator® Program?
Mar 21, 2023When Michelle and I formed Willow in 2015, we knew we wanted to do more than be of service as 1:1 end-of-life-planning coaches or small-group facilitators. We knew that our calling was to empower other passionate educators to use the heart-centered and inquiry-based end-of-life education tools and products we created.
Willow Workshops® and tools help people live more authentic and fulfilled lives and lead to more peaceful deaths. And what could be more important than that? I've seen these results from the people who attended my workshops and I hear about it from many of the licensed Willow EOL Educators® about the people they serve with Willow material.
The Willow EOL Educator® Program is the culmination of five years of developing tools and workshop curriculum, providing services, and growing and marketing our practice, and we want to share it all with you!
Alone our reach is limited. Together we can transform more lives.
Like you, we want to inform, empower and inspire how people in all corners of our planet prepare for their inevitable death and how they live this one, precious, and finite life. If you identify as an educator or coach in the end-of-life realm, or want to become one, we invite you to join us. Together we’ll transform the often fragmented process of end-of-life planning into a rich opportunity for personal growth and community connection.
Be at the forefront of the end-of-life education and planning revolution.
The Willow EOL Educator® Program gives you access to Willow’s expanding end-of-life education and planning tools and products, including detailed scripts for more than 10 workshops, at least 8 advance-care-planning and coaching tools, as well as marketing support and professional and business development. You’ll receive training, information and support to thrive and prosper as an end-of-life educator.
The Willow EOL Educator® Program enables you to:
- Be a participant in 10 different Willow Workshops® and on-going business development support.
- Deliver Willow Workshops® with your voice and perspective, tailored to your target audience.
- Make money hosting Willow Workshops® virtually or in person.
- Use exercises and activities from Willow Workshops® inside your practice / business.
- Use Willow products and tools to help the people you serve.
- List your profile, offers and events on Willow's "Pick My Brain" page.
- Get your events marketed by Willow through the Willow events page, emails and social media.
- Enjoy a 50% affiliate commission on all products, and a 21% commission when you successfully refer the Willow EOL Educator® Program.
Join the program any time.
Click here to find out more about the Willow EOL Educator® Program.
Or please contact Willow of book a meeting with Reena by going to the Willow contact page.
More heart-centered choices for all of us.
For each and every one of us who seeks opportunities to learn and unlearn, to grow and manifest our deepest desires for a life well-lived, the Willow EOL Educator® Program will create more choices. We’ll offer more workshops in more time zones and more heart-centered EOL educators®, doulas, coaches, celebrants, health-care workers, funeral directors, bereavement counselors and anyone else who wants to help people wake up before their time’s up.
If this is not for you but you know someone who it is for, please do them favour, and share this blog post with them.