2 Reasons People Aren't Prepared for Death
Jun 08, 2023Did you know that the vast majority of adults don’t have any end-of-life documents in place? Let’s look at two reasons for that.
First, we live in a death-denying culture. You can read more about this in 7 Signs of a Death-Denying Culture.
The second reason most adults don’t have any end-of-life documents in place is because conventional questionnaires, forms and public-education efforts are just not working.
The creators of those initiatives wrongly assume that people have the self awareness to articulate their values, beliefs and priorities and know who and what matters most to them. But most people don’t know how to fill out those forms, because they haven’t put any thought into the reality of their mortality, and what makes their life meaningful.
Without knowing what's important to you in life, how are you supposed to know what's important to you in death?
Even people who know each other well, seem to need the right space and opportunity to communicate their end-of-life wishes to each other. At a recent Willow Workshop® that I co-facilitated, with tears in his eyes, a man told his wife of many years what his wishes were for his final days and after death. Another couple there said they learned things about each other that they never knew before! Some of the other participants reported that the workshop—and what they learned about themselves—was the jump start they needed to get all of their end-of-life planning done.
Why are Willow Workshops® so impactful?
It's simple. They provide heart-centered guidance to help you connect profoundly with yourself and engage with others around the reality of your mortality.
Head on over to the Willow Events Page to find the workshop that is the right fit for you.
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If you are passionate—or even curious—about leading these for heart-centered end-of-life education and planning workshops, or about how to use Willow materials to serve individuals and families, please know that your service is desperately needed!
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