How to Get Unstuck with End-of-Life Planning
Dec 13, 2023We are well into December, the month when people of many cultures around the globe engage in “celebrations of light”. The last month of the year is also a great time to use this light metaphorically to reflect on the year that is ending and set yourself up for what’s ahead.
As a death contemplator, no matter your age or health condition, I invite you to use this time of year to reflect on how much (if at all) you progressed in 2023 with preparing for your final days. In other words, how much end-of-life planning have you done, and what’s left to do?
To gain clarity on what I’m referring to, please download Willow’s FREE Reality of Your Mortality® Planning Checklist now.
You’ll see that this holistic checklist has nine topics organized into three categories:
- Setting the Foundation: Foundational work will help ensure that all of your planning choices, tasks, and actions reflect your values and priorities
- Making Choices: The topics in this category are what most people think of when we think about getting affairs in order, or end-of-life planning.
- Clearing the Way: These topics are often neglected in end-of-life planning.
The topics in the second category, Making Choices, are what most people are familiar with. They include getting your legal will done, appointing a health-care decision maker for you, and articulating your health, personal-care, and final wishes. However, as you likely know, the vast majority of adults don't have any of this in place despite there being many free public-education efforts and handy tools to help folks along with these tasks.
Why do most people never start or never complete their end-of-life plans?
One of the reasons is that conventional public-education efforts are missing the marks. Many of these initiatives begin with the assumption that people have the self-awareness to articulate their values, beliefs and priorities, and know who and what matters most to them. Unfortunately, as people live their finite and precarious lives, that’s not the case.
Is it possible that lack of self-awareness is what’s preventing you from starting or completing your planning?
The impacts of being unprepared can result in some avoidable stress for the person dying, and can be confusing and often devastating for the people they leave behind. Also, when people don’t take the time to consider how precious and finite their life is, they may never truly live.
Set yourself up for life and death.
Through Willow’s 7 Tools for Making Sense of Life and Death workbook and accompanying on-line program, people have discovered themselves in profound ways and got unstuck with meaningful end-of-life planning.
Consider this material as your primary reflection tool this year for you or for someone you care about. It will be the only catalyst you need to finally complete your end-of-life planning, while also guiding you into deep self discovery,
There are 3 ways for you to dive into Willow’s 7 Tools for Making Sense of Life and Death:
7 Tools for Making Sense of Life & Death Online program
includes the digital workbook and much more
USD $77
7 Tools for Making Sense of Life & Death print workbook
includes shipping to the US or Canada
7 Tools for Making Sense of Life & Death fillable, digital workbook
for immediate access for
- You’ll move from feeling overwhelmed and not knowing where to start with your end-of-life planning, to feeling empowered and supported.
- The seven tools will help you gain clarity on your values, priorities and beliefs and lay the groundwork for you to be as prepared as possible for anything that life throws at you.
- The thought-provoking questions contained in the workbook will help you explore who you are and what matters most, now and in the end.
- The personal-discovery process will lay the foundation for you to die as peacefully as possible and live your remaining days or decades with purpose and intention.
As we approach the end of the year, I invite you to take some time to reflect on where you’re at, what your end-of-life priorities are, and what you want to do to move forward in 2024.
I really hope this resonates with you, and if you know others who might benefit from this, please share this with them.
Wishing you a joyous, inspired, and productive December,
With love,
Reena (she/her)
Co-founder of Willow EOL Education and Planning
Deb (she/her)
Program Manager,
Willow EOL Educator Program
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