All that Matters Now, Matters in the End + FREE Online Events
Feb 16, 2021Willow’s heart-centred end-of-life planning has a fabulous feedback loop that might surprise you. It’s true that all that matters in the end, matters now and what’s also true is that and all that matters now, matters in the end.
For example, the Core Values exercise in Willow’s 7 Tools for Making Sense of Life & Death Online Program guides you to develop a refined list of the values that define how you’re living your life as well as your intentions for how you want to live your life. Then we ask you to reflect on what your core values tell you about who and what matter most to you when you consider your inevitable death.
Here’s how this end-of-life planning exercise plays out for each of us.
The core values that guide my living are connection, possibility, and beauty. When I think about the value of connection and the end of my life, I realize I want what happens to me after I die to create a sense of village for those participating in every aspect of my after-death care including rituals and ceremonies.
The core values that guide my life are purpose, love, and self-expression and these values inform how I want others to care for and comfort me at the very end of my life. I want those around me to communicate with me directly and honestly, care for my body in a loving way, and laugh when they feel like it, but not use humour to hide or cover up their emotions.
Heart-centered end-of-life planning can illuminate who you are.
The Core Values exercise is just one of 7 tools inside the program that will help you explore the reality of your mortality and create the foundation for end-of-life planning that will reflect your true essence.
Find out how, all that matters now, matters in the end AND all that matters in the end, matters now.
All our love,
Michelle + Reena
What about you?
How does what matters now, inform your end-of-life planning choices?